By Executive Order dated March 25, 2010, Houston Mayor Annise Parker, added sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories under the City’s anti-discrimination, harassment and retaliation policy. The Order prohibits discrimination, harassment and retaliation based on gender identity and sexual orientation in all of the City’s employment, contracting and vending activities and in the provision and accessing of all City services, facilities, programs and activities.
Specifically prohibited the policy are the following:
- Failing or refusing to hire, recruit, appoint, promote or train any individual or otherwise discipline, demote, transfer lay off, fail to recall, or terminate any individual because of such individual’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity;
- Limiting, segregating or classifying employees or applicants in a way that would deprive, or tend to deprive, any individual of equal opportunity or otherwise adversely affect the status of the employee or applicant because of the individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity;
- Failing or refusing to recommend any contract or purchase for award based on a contractor or vendor’s sexual orientation or gender identity;
- Failing to make available to any member of the public or employee use of a city facility or receipt of city service because of their sexual orientation or gender identity;
- Impeding access by an employee or member of the public to a city restroom facility that is consistent with and appropriate to that person’s expression of gender identity;
- Limit participation by any city employee or member of the public in any city-sponsored activity because of the person’s sexual orientation or gender identity in which they would otherwise be permitted to participate.
You can access a full copy of the Executive Order here.