Here are quick list of 15 questions you should not ask applicants in the interview process.

  1. How old are you? 
  2. When did you graduate high school?
  3. Do you have small children or do you plan to have children?
  4. Have you ever had a workers’ compensation claim?
  5. What medicines are you taking?
  6. Are you married?
  7. What country were you born in or are you a U.S. citizen?
  8. Are you in Army Reserve or National Guard?
  9. What is your native language?
  10. What religion or religious holidays do you observe?
  11. How many more years do you intend to work before you retire?
  12. Do you have any physical or mental impairments or disabilities?
  13. Have you ever been arrested?
  14. Have you ever filed or threatened to file a charge of discrimination?
  15. Have you ever sued your current or former employer? 

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