In a compromise between the City of San Antonio and a coalition of local San Antonio employers that sued to block the implementation of the new paid sick leave ordinance, the City agreed to postpone the effective date of the ordinance from August 1, 2019 until December 1, 2019. The state district judge hearing
San Antonio
San Antonio Paid Sick Leave Law Scheduled to Take Effect August 1, 2019
Barring legal action and an injunction, employers that have an employee performing at least 80 hours per year in San Antonio should be prepared to comply with City’s new paid sick leave ordinance beginning on August 1, 2019. Here are the highlights of the law:
- Requires employers with 15 or more employees to provide 1
Employers in Dallas and San Antonio Prepare for Paid Sick Leave
The Texas Legislature ended its session last week without passing a bill that preempts municipalities from passing laws requiring private employers to provide paid sick leave to employees. Consequently, employers in Dallas and San Antonio must prepare for the implementation of the local paid sick leave laws that take effect August 1, 2019.
Dallas, San…
San Antonio Passes Ordinance Requiring Private Employers to Provide Paid Sick Leave
In a 9-2 vote, the San Antonio City Council voted to require private employers doing business in San Antonio to provide one hour of paid sick leave to employees for every 30 hours worked. The ordinance allows employees to accrue between 48 and 64 hours of paid sick leave to be used if the employee…
Update on EEOC v. Law Firm Over Administrative Subpoena
I wrote about an unusual dispute between the EEOC and a San Antonio law firm where the EEOC sought enforcement of an administrative subpoena seeking law firm records in connection with a charge of discrimination filed by a former employee of the firm. You can read that post here.
Well, like Spring itself that blows in like…