Last week the U.S. Supreme Court ended its 2011-12 Term.  Here are summaries of the labor and employment cases decided this term.

Hosanna-Taylor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC, (No. 10-553) (holding that teacher at religious school qualified as a "minister" within the meaning of the ministerial exception to Title VII and therefore First Amendment barred her employment discrimination claim against her religious employer).

Christopher v. SmithKiline Beecham Corp., (No. 11-204) (holding that pharmaceutical representatives who visit physician offices to encourage physicians to prescribe employer’s products qualify as outside sales representatives rejecting DOL interpretation of its own regulation).

Coleman v. Court of Appeals for Maryland (No. 10-1016) (holding that the self-care provisions of the FMLA are inapplicable to state governmental employers under the 11th Amendment and sovereign immunity).

Knox v. Service Employees International Union, Local 100, (No. 10-1121) (holding that First Amendment does not allow public-sector union to impose special assessment on members without Hudson notice and affirmative consent of union members being assessed). 

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