Xmas 2012I’m sitting here trying to come up with an idea for this year’s family holiday card.  Last year’s theme was “Silent Night”.  But while I think about what I need to be doing to prepare for the holidays, I’m reminded that many employers are also planning their company end-of-year parties.  So, from the archieves are

With many employers considering whether and when to pay end-of-year or holiday bonuses, I thought it was a good time to review the rules for when bonuses or other compensation must be included in the regular rate of pay for purposes of paying overtime.  This is one issue that still trips up Texas employers.

Nonexempt employees are entitled to overtime

Its the time of the year again when companies begin planning whether and how to sponsor an end-of-year holiday parties.  Two years ago I wrote about how companies can plan their employer-sponsored celebrations to reduce potential liability resulting from those events.  The advice is as timely today as it was two years ago.  You can