Labor-Management Relations

I’ve previously written about the new NLRB requirement that most employers post notice of employee’s NLRB rights (post here).  The posting requirement is effective November 14, 2011, for both union and non-union employers.  Yesterday, the NLRB made available an appropriate posting for download.   The NLRB’s site also has answers to some commonly asked

Yesterday, the NLRB issued its final rule requiring all employer subject to the National Labor Relations Act to post notices to employees of their NLRA rights such as the right to form and join a union, bargain collectively over wages and to file unfair labor practice charges with the Board as well as instructing employees on how to file

There has been significant coverage of the unfair labor practice charges that have been filed by employees who were terminated over their postings made on Facebook, Twitter and other social media applications.  (Examples here, here and here).  The NLRB actions in some of these cases have lead to the belief by some union agents and employee representatives

For the next week, the biggest story in sports will be the Super Bowl.  For the next several months, the biggest story in labor-management relations will be ongoing negotiations with the NFL Owners and the Players Association over a new contract and potentially a lock-out or strike.  The negotiations have been contentious and gives suggest that Super

The U.S. Supreme Court completed its 2008-09 term. On the docket were five cases of interest dealing with employment law.  Here is a summary of the holdings in those cases.

Following Arlen Specter’s announcement that he was opposed to the Employee Free Choice Act in its current form and other senators expressing strong reservations about the bill (See Michael Fox’s post here), there has been much speculation about what the next step will be in organized labor’s attempts to obtain labor organization reform.  Will Labor seek to have a compromise bill

It seems likely that there will be some manner of labor organization reform to the almost seventy-five (75) year old National Labor Relations Act.  Three bills pending before Congress offer differing levels of reform.  

Pro-Labor:  Employee Free Choice Act of 2009 (H.R. 1409) Would require the National Labor Relations Board certify a union (without

Weingarten rights are the rights a union member has to, upon request, have a union representative present during an employer’s investigatory interview that may lead to disciplinary action. For nearly thirty years Weingarten rights only applied to employees who worked at employers that had been organized by unions.

In July 2004 a primarily Democratically appointed National